Who we are
Our Vision
Marine migratory species thrive in safe and healthy oceans.
Our Mission
To conduct the scientific research needed to better understand and safeguard healthy populations of marine migratory species in the Eastern Pacific Ocean.
Our History
MigraMar was formed in 2006 as an informal network of scientists collaborating to generate knowledge about the movement ecology of threatened marine species. We began by sharing our skills and data, ensuring we all used compatible field technology, and supporting each other in developing conservation plans.
MigraMar was formally constituted as a US-based 501c3 non-profit organization in 2017 uniting 22 researchers belonging to universities, government agencies and non-profit organizations throughout the Eastern Pacific. Our members are based at mainland and island locations from the USA to southern Chile, including Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
MigraMar’s work was originally focused on the Eastern Tropical Pacific region, particularly in the Marine Corridor (CMAR) area that encompasses Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador. Owing to the migratory nature of the species researched, MigraMar evolved extending its limits and signing agreements and arrangements with researchers from countries from United States of America to Chile. MigraMar’s current area of interest is the Eastern Pacific Ocean.
Our Values
MigraMar’s researchers are committed to excel in scientific production based on the following core values:
We are committed to building capacity among our own members, with regional partners, and with future generations of scientists to continue to produce high-quality science for the conservation of migratory species throughout the Eastern Pacific Ocean.
We incorporate the best available science to provide credible information to decision makers at national and international levels.
Our word is our bond. To fulfill our commitments to colleagues and the animals we strive to protect, our high professional standards require members to honor intellectual property rights, meet international animal care protocols, and secure required permits.
We share our scientific and financial procedures in a timely fashion to advance our mission.
The intellectual property and creative ideas shared by our members is at the heart of our network.